When I chose to be a journalist, I never expected that one day there comes a time when I would be looking for truth in a stack of hay. It never crossed my mind at that time, that truth has many facets

. However, seeking the truth and ultimately finding it, requires a great deal of research persistence, perseverance, as well as having an open mind and conscience, to be able to deliver and accept at the same time, what is believed to be the truth.
It has become one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century it seems, to believe wholeheartedly what we read, what we hear, and what we watch, without conducting our own research first, because of the amount of misinformation that is being pumped on a daily basis is overwhelmingly misguiding.
I hope through my blog to play a fundamental role in helping myself and others like me who are seeking the truth, to challenge ourselves and not accept things at face value but delve deeper into research in order to find the truth.
I believe strongly, that there are lots of things that Unite us as people of the world rather than divide us. However, we need to be responsible and not succumb to the multiple challenges that we’re facing, especially nowadays, and to find our true selves by accepting irrefutable evidence even if it does not coincide with our preconceptions on certain issues.
This is how we grow as a population; this is how we have an awakening that will help us and help our communities grow stronger to face the greatest challenges which threaten our very existence.
I welcome you and invite all to join me in this life-changing adventure. I encourage you to subscribe and become an active member of our community, which is based on respect, empathy, and diversity. We are here to learn and grow. Please leave me your comments, suggestions, or concerns and I will get back to you in a timely manner.